Rangeley Birding Festival Logo

June 7 - 9, 2024

Registration is open.

You're Invited.

Bird the Boreal Forest With Us

From Boreal Chickadees in our vast forests to Loons on our magnificent lakes to the rare Bicknell’s Thrush in the high peaks above, the Rangeley Region is rich with birds. Add in both migrating and breeding warblers, and you have a unique opportunity to see and learn about birds that are difficult to find in other parts of Maine, all in one weekend!


Bicknell Thrush on Saddleback

This trip focuses on birding the high-elevation spruce-fir forests of Saddleback Mountain for boreal forest birds. 

Key Species: Bicknell’s Thrush
Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Boy Scout Road

Over 60% of all the species ever seen in Franklin County are documented on Boy Scout Road. This dirt drive cuts through prime boreal habitat. It allows you to walk up to nesting warblers, compare vireo species nearby, and even pick up waterbirds along the Kennebago.  

Key Species: Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Boreal Chickadee, Philadelphia Vireo, warblers including Cape May, Tennessee, Bay-breasted, Canada Jay
Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️ 


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Birds on Tap!℠

Join Derek Lovitch for a free introduction to the common town birds of Rangeley. Open to all (including first-time birding residents!), we’ll discuss the basics of bird identification by focusing on some of the most common and conspicuous birds in the area.

Trivia Night

We're gathering at the Rangeley Tavern for a fun night of birding trivia! There will be three categories, with ten questions and three bonus questions. $50 cash prize with teams up to 5!

Intro to eBird

eBird has many ways to help your birding—and we bet you don’t know them all. Are you just starting to use technology to bird? Join us for this hour and you learn tips, and tricks to eBird! 

We’ve world-class guides waiting to bird with you!

Make a Nomination

John Bicknell Award for Birding Conservation Excellence

With this award, we seek to publicly acknowledge those individuals who have worked to further birding and conserve bird habitat in Maine. This award is particularly intended to recognize those unheralded people who have labored largely behind the scenes and who may have been overlooked and unacknowledged for their contributions. It is presented to no more than one recipient each year (unless we recognize a collaborative effort by two or more people). 

Amanda Laliberte (RLHT), Blaise deSibour and Leslie Clapp (2022 Winner) and Carson Hinckley (2019 Winner)

Lodging, Birding Spots, & More

Event Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors.